How I Get My Eating Back On Track


So recently I've been in a little bit of a rut with my eating habits. I've been eating late at night, eating larger portions, eating out, and all that bad stuff. I have definitely enjoyed a bit too many chicken fingers in the past week or so and I know, once you fall into those habits, it gets SO HARD to get back on track. In my experience, I've had several periods of ups and downs. Luckily, I have been through it enough times that I’ve found tons of tips and tricks to get me back on track. Hopefully they’ll help you as well! Disclaimer: I am in NO WAY a nutritionist, fitness expert, dieticain, doctor, or anything close to that. I'm just a college student trying to avoid the freshman fifteen, y'all.

TRY AN APP- One of the apps that I have just recently started using is Under Amour's My Fitness Pal. With this app, you can log the food you eat each day. It tells you how much sugar, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, etc. that you need to either maintain, gain, or lose weight. I will admit, it's very time consuming and detail oriented when you try to get the exact number of grams to reach your protein goal for the day without going over your carbohydrates or sugars.  It's definitely a great tool to give you an idea of what you should be eating in order to benefit your body. If you didn't know, we’re stuck in these things for a while, so we might as well take care of them.

Also, with this app, you can log your water intake. Water is a big part of staying on track because it can help you tell if your body is hungry or bored. If I had a full meal an hour ago I'll drink a big glass of water and, most of the time ,that settles my stomach until my next meal, which lets me know I wasn't actually hungry. Personally, I log my water into My Fitness Pal but I ALSO log my water into Plant Nanny. If you follow my
Instagram, you know my obsession with Plant Nanny. It's an app where you have your own plant (you can name it and everything, how freaking cute?) and whenever you log water it waters your plant. If you don't drink water, your plant dies. It is just a more interactive and fun way to log your water if that is something you struggle doing.

START WEIGHING YOURSELF MORE FREQUENTLY- So, this is a sort of touchy subject. Some people are afraid of the scale and some people become obsessed with weighing themselves. Personally, weighing myself is very helpful when I am trying to keep my eating in check. A big part of why I get off track is because I am not keeping myself accountable. The apps do keep you accountable to an extent, but I also think the scale is a big factor in that. Accountability keeps us on track, not just in eating, but in life.

KEEP BUSY- I feel that a lot of my overeating happens when I have a lot of free time and I kind of just sit around the house and do nothing. Don't get me wrong, free time is amazing, but, with that free time, I think it's best to keep yourself busy with work, cleaning, meal prepping, exercising, painting, or whatever you enjoy. The goal is to keep yourself occupied so that you're not sitting in front of the TV watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians and mindlessly eating a whole bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos.

GET 8 HOURS OF SLEEP- I actually cannot stress this point enough. Get your sleep. Get your sleep. GET YOUR SLEEP. Whenever I don't get enough sleep I'm cranky, annoyed, and not in the mood to count my calories, meal prep, or even think about anything other than where the nearest Dunkin Donuts is so that I can stuff my face with a pack of munchkins and chug an extra large iced coffee (Anybody else? Just me?).

Remeber: This isn't necessarily about gaining or losing weight. This is about fueling your body with nutrients so that you can be the best version of yourself possible and you can't do that eating ice cream and fried chicken every day. As I once read on Pinterest, "You've got to nourish to flourish.".

Have a lovely week and check back with me next week for another post! Before you go, let me know in the comments below how you’re doing with the ASBB Challenge. Hope you get your 8 hours of sleep tonight. Talk to you all next week!!


Olivia Shea
